April 18, 2024
What Most of Us Can Agree On
What Most of Us Can Agree On (Debbie Epstein Henry, April 18, 2024) For me, Judaism has always been inextricably linked with advocacy. I can’t think of a more important time than now that we use our voices to advocate for Jews and Israel.
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December 19, 2023
Why Jews Belong Under The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Umbrella
Why Jews Belong Under The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Umbrella (Debbie Epstein Henry, The American Lawyer, December 19, 2023) “Including Jews under the DEI umbrella would accomplish three things. First is education. Providing more knowledge could bring more understanding. Second is bridging differences. Fostering communication will help build relationships and facilitate productive dialogue. Third is community. Jews need a safe space to connect and explore the range of experiences we are facing.”
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August 11, 2023
10 Smart Tips to Help Beat Your Fear of Public Speaking
10 Smart Tips to Help Beat Your Fear of Public Speaking (Debbie Epstein Henry, Fast Company, August 11, 2023) When my middle son Spencer was 10 years old and the holidays were approaching, he thought it’d be helpful to make some gift suggestions to my husband, Gordon, and me. Spence prepared a pitch deck showcasing various ideas of what he and his two brothers might want. The boys had been unsuccessfully lobbying for several years to get an Xbox. So, the signature slide included a catalog picture of boys lounging on a couch, playing Xbox, and in the corner was a picture of Gordon and I toasting each other with glasses of wine. When we got to this slide, Spence narrated: “If you get us the Xbox, you and dad will get some peace and quiet and time alone.” I looked at Gordon and simply said, “Done!”
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January 5, 2022
The Case for Law School Sororities
The Case for Law School Sororities (Debbie Epstein Henry, New York Law Journal, January 5, 2022) The truth is I never really liked law school. My favorite part of practicing law was lunch (which, admittedly, is equivalent to when my kids declared recess to be the best part of grade school). It’s no surprise that I stopped practicing law more than 20 years ago. Yet it is curious that I’ve become very involved with my law school. But here’s the thing. Aren’t we all yearning for a sense of community, an opportunity to make an impact, and a means to ensure a more promising future? These are just a few of the things that got me back. I hope the same will hold true for you.
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October 26, 2021
A Happy, Profitable Law Firm – No, Really
A Happy, Profitable Law Firm – No, Really (Debbie Epstein Henry, Chapter 11 and Table of Contents, The Post-Pandemic Law Firm, Published by Globe Law and Business, October 2021) As lawyers emerge from the cloak of COVID-19, when their home and work lives seemingly became one, they will seek to incorporate the learnings of the pandemic into their new work worlds. Winning law firms will be those who can build the benefits of flexible work into happier and more productive and profitable environments.
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August 26, 2021
Viewpoint: For leaders, the power of sharing creates a means to convey trust and compassion
Viewpoint: For leaders, the power of sharing creates a means to convey trust and compassion (Debbie Epstein Henry, Philadelphia Business Journal, August 26, 2021) I recently chaired a virtual board retreat as the new president of The Forum of Executive Women, a nonprofit organization comprised of the top 500 women in business in Greater Philadelphia. I had planned to start with an ice breaker, asking each of the 30 directors to share one word that best captures the feeling they are currently experiencing. That was before my father was diagnosed with Stage IV pancreatic cancer.
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