DEH Speaker Series ~ Debbie Epstein Henry Interview of MIT Professor and New York Times Best-Selling Author, Sherry Turkle
Co-Host: Troutman Pepper
Wednesday, October 13, 2021
12:30 – 1:30 pm EDT
By Live & Recorded Webcast
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The Case for Empathy, Now. MIT professor, New York Times best-selling author, psychologist and media scholar, Sherry Turkle, has been sounding an alarm for years about how living behind our screens undermines our social connections and emotional lives. Her New York Times best-seller, Reclaiming Conversation, proposed a solution: to look up from our screens and talk to each other. Yet the past year and a half has forced many of us into more screen-dependent isolation than ever before. During this fireside chat interview, Sherry will share findings from her new acclaimed memoir, The Empathy Diaries, and explore how empathy and connection can arrive when we feel the most alone and unfamiliar. With probing questions posed by author and workplace expert, Debbie Epstein Henry, Sherry will share insights on her most personal relationships—with family, spouses, friends, and with colleagues as diverse as Jacques Lacan and Steve Jobs—as object lessons in developing the empathy necessary to make and maintain deep connections. “We are the empathy app,” Sherry writes. “To fix our crisis of intimacy and privacy, of empathy and human connection, we don’t need more technology. We need one another.”